Johannes Lange
2019 Inaugural Fellow
Interests: can the Lamda-CDM cosmological model describe both the results from galaxy surveys as well as observations of the cosmic microwave background? Are the dynamics of galaxies consistent with predictions from general relativity? What is the relationship between galaxies and dark matter halos? Do current models of galaxy formation correctly predict this relation? What are ideal methods to extract information from galaxy surveys in an unbiased and maximally informative way?

Wren Seuss
2021 Fellow
Wren studies the formation and evolution of galaxies using data from across the spectrum, optical to radio. Her work combines large surveys with targeted multi-wavelength observations to constrain the physical mechanisms responsible for shutting down star formation in galaxies. She is particularly interested in radial color gradients, the connection between molecular gas reservoirs and star formation, and understanding the role of dark matter halo properties in quenching.